
Let's Read Atak On Titen Hi Scule Ep. 6

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Episode 6: Lick Will Urine by One Destruction

Me: Hey guys, it's me Double Dee with another episode of Let's Read!
Palutena: If you see Atak On Titen Hi Scule on the title, then you are reading the right MST!
Guntz: However...
Serena: If you see Supper Smash Bros Mishonh From God, then...
Emil: Then you're way behind, because that fic's been finished a while ago!
Shulk: However, if you somehow see somewhere along the lines of Subpar Smush Broas Mishan Forum God 2...
Midori: Then you must be a time traveler, because at the time, we aren't even at the sequel yet!
???1: But it's not Supper Smash Bros, it's Atak On Titen Hi Scule, which may or may not be worse.
???2: We are not responsible for any self inflicted wounds as a result of reading the Sara-verse.
???3: You have been warned.
Me: And yes, we got THREE guests here because we are heading to homecoming, where there's king and queen! So who better to commentate along with us are...
???1: It's-a me, Mario, and like Shulk, I'm not feeling this one.
???2: Peach here, and I thought I was out of the Sara-verse.
???3: Luigi here, and it's only begun, did it?
Emil: Yep.
Peach: At least we won't see the name Sara in this fic.
Luigi: Technically, we can if Mikasa's name is mispelled as Miksara.
Mario: I'm sure it's obvious to everyone.
Guntz: What do you three have to do with anime?
Palutena: It's something the hardcore Mario fans would know!
Midori: Oh, I know! Wasn't there a Super Mario Bros. anime movie?
Me: Correct-a-mundo, Midori!
Serena: I find it hard to believe Mario had an anime.
Mario: Well, now you know!
Luigi: Supper Smash Bros was horrible enough. This might be worse.
Peach: For all we know, it already is.
Guntz: Take it from us.
Shulk: For now, let's read the next two chapters.

Start Chapter 11:

Summary: Mekasa gos 2 Homcumon whit Bartalk.

Notes: A few tims in my firts storey I had parts of the storey that taked plas ovar moar then on chaptar. (Me: The dreaded Home Depot Saga. Luigi: Don't remind me. Peach: But it did have the funny image of me wielding a chainsaw.) Homcomin iz on of the moast impotent parts of hi scool so im gunna giv it at lest 2 parts butt im not sur how maney ill hav. (Me: I'm pretty sure Homecoming is not the most important part of high school. Then again, the hell I know, I never went to my high school Homecoming.)

Alos i wuz looken at Laurens fasbok evan tho im not her frend on fasebook anemore (Serena: Stalker much?) and aparentlee shes gota new gurlfrend frum Pensolvanea (her naem is a secrete i no it but im not gunna tel u for an impotent resin). (Peach: Is your plan to humiliate her, because the only person it would hurt is you. Serena: Everyone already sees you as a bitch.) Aftar doen mor instagnation i fonded ot that they meated becuz Laurens sistar Leslie nos Laurens new gurlfrends sistar in collage. Lauren and her gurlfrend ar gunna meat each otter 4 valetins day thes weakend wichis a longar weakend then numel becuz of precedents day. This is reely bad an discussing (Guntz: Oh, boo hoo Sara. Emil will play you a sad song on the World's Smallest Violin. Emil: This is for you, Sara. *plays violin* Midori: Are you planning to do that every time Sara whines about a first world problem? Palutena: Emil will be a professional tiny violin player in no time!)

CHAP 11: HUMECUMAN PAERT 1 B4 THE DANS (Mario: It prioritizes before anyone named Dan.)

The hoamcuman dans wuz a sitarday. tat friday wuz the gam and Mekosa wuz a cherledar atit. The fotball teem wun in fac they wer undefetad sofar that yeer. Teh cherladers new that Pteras polisee of not letin lesbans on the skwad was part of wat help tham get God on ther sid an win gaems. (Mario: Or maybe because the team was better than the other one? Serena: Sure, the cheerleaders get all the credit for the football game victory. Not the team itself, the cheerleading squad is the reason. Luigi: I bet it wouldn't be different if there was a lesbian in there.) Tha nat dey wuz the dans. Alof the rick an poplar stoodents pade 4 lenos to red 2 the dans. (Midori: Get out of your high school fantasies!) Furst they all meeted at Petyrs hose. Pitra was ther weht her bofrend Levy. Rynur wuz also ther with his dat, (Peach: What is her name? Palutena: We will never know. Emil: Because Mikasa wants Reiner so bad, Sara would rather not mention his date's name.) and he brot his sistar Sacha and her dat Jeen. (Me: Jean Kirstein. Midori: Sasha and Jean? That pairing makes no sense!) Kresta wuz with her dat whowas the shavd hed guy whos naem i dont remamber, (Me: That would be Connie Springer. Midori: Wouldn't it make more sense for Connie to be with Sasha? It's like she's randomly pairing characters! Peach: Surprised?) and Armens dat wuz Arin (remamber Aremuns a gurl in thes so it isnt gay) (Peach: Doesn't matter. Yaoi fangirls will be happy, sort of. Serena: In what way? Midori: Canon raping changed Armin's sex. Yaoi fangirls probably won't like a pairing of female Armin and Eren.) and therwas a buncha otter pepole 2. Mekasa mad sur she clined titely 2 Burntoats arm too mak Reynur reely jelos. (Serena: Clingy much? Peach: Why would he be jealous?) Mekasa was wering a red drass witha low nacklien and she covared it with glittar 2 maek it pritter. (Emil: I bet she rubbed Edward Cullen all over her dress.) Burtolf gived her a big flowar and she putted it in her hare. That wud maek Rinner vary jelus. (Serena, Midori and Peach: In what way!? Midori: Has Reiner held any interest in being more than friends with Mikasa!? Serena: Or even friends at all!? Peach: Sounds like Mikasa's just using Bertolt to get to Reiner. For all he knows, he could be happy for Mikasa. Guntz: That's logic. It doesn't exist here.)

Furts they had 2 taek pictars. Allof the coples taked pictars togeter then allof the gurls taked on pictar and allof the guyz taked on pictar. (Me: Are you sure you're not mistaking Homecoming dance for Prom? Because this is basically Prom.) Wen allof the pictars wer dun it wuz tim 2 go eet. They had resarved the antire chickfela restrant 4 ther grope becuz ther wer alota tham. (Luigi: That place AGAIN!? Midori: Why a fast food resturant!? Peach: Wouldn't it be more romantic to eat at a fancy restaurant? Shulk: And why rent out the entire resturant? Fast food restaurants don't do that.) Chickfela maed alota munny frum them too fite the gay agenda. Everthin wuz goen grate Mekosa new Rynur was reely jelus (Serena, Midori and Peach: HOW IS REINER JEALOUS!? Midori: He sure as heck didn't express it. Serena: Maybe he doesn't care. Peach: Maybe he thinks Mikasa and Bertolt are better together?) adn she gotted to eet at her favrit restrant. If Chckifela was sucses at fite and ther wer nomore homasexals (Shulk: I'm pretty sure a fast food restaurant has no power to change the law.) then noone wold be tryen to tune Mekasa in2 a lesban and noone wold ackus her of been on alreedy (Mario: Except we have evidence that you, Sara, are indeed a lesbian in denial.) becuz ther woldnt be any lesbans. (Me: Joke's on you, because bisexual people exist. Guntz: Get the fuck over it Sara. Emil: *plays violin* Luigi: Emil, aren't you overdoing it? Sara complains a lot, you know.)

Than they gotted bak 2 ther limes 2 ried to the scule for the dans itsalf. Wen they gotted to the scule Beral halped Mekpsa ot of the lemo and they waked 2 the dore. Butthan Ahs Keshum and sum guy with spikey hare wer insid. (Midori: A guy with spiky hair. Guntz: As if we haven't seen a lot of these in anime.)

"Watar u done her" Mikosa sed.

"Hello Ms Akirmen" Ass sed "thes is my bofrend Garey Ock. (Midori: This would be a field day for people who like yaoi between Ash and Gary. Me: Yes, then we remember what fic we're in. Palutena: Yaoi fangirls might want to steer clear of the Sara-verse.) Were the chaparons 4 this dans."

Than Ask and Garay stated maken ot. It wuz discussing and everone throwed up. (Serena: Way to ruin the dance everyone! Peach: Now there's vomit all over the floor!)

"U cant do that! Im guna tel Principle Smeth and hell fiar u!" Burolf sed. (Guntz: Like anyone cares. Emil: I know. Sara's requested the World's Smallest Violin again. *plays violin*)

"Ha! Christens hav no powar in thes scule aneymor" Gari Oka sed "the prinsipol cant do anething or eels Barak Oboma will nuek his hose with boms frum a droan plaen!" (Guntz: Seriously? Obama has better things to do than to nuke the house of anyone that defies him. Peach: She does realize that it would destroy the city, right? Guntz: This is Sara. She's dumb. She thinks that a nuke will only affect its target and its target only and somehow have no blast radius. Luigi: How is Sara even in middle school!? Palutena: It's one of the greatest mysteries of all time. Emil: The biggest clue is the money.)

And ther wuz evan moor! Behide the grope of poplar stoodents Aney came with anutter gurl.

"Helo Mekosa" she sad "thes is my new gurlfrend. Her nam is Kaety (Guntz: How convenient that Annie's girlfriend has the same name as Lauren's girlfriend. Midori: That just basically confirms this is Sara's life with Attack on Titan characters slapped on there! Palutena: Or it could be a coincidence! Katie is a common girls' name. Mario: Palutena, I'll never understand your trolling.) and she frum Penisvania."

Ono! Thes was hoarble. (Guntz: Emil, violin! Emil: Right. *starts playing*) How will this dans go? Fined ot next chaptar!

End Chapter 11

Guntz: You can stop now, Emil.
Emil: Okay.
Palutena: It's lovely music to listen to to keep our minds off of Sara's whining.
Mario: Though Emil doing it every time?
Luigi: Don't you get tired of it?
Guntz: It's the best way to show how much we don't give a shit about Sara's first world problems.
Shulk: Still, you're forcing Emil to do this every time.
Emil: It's okay. People say that when they hear needless whining.
Guntz: See? Even Emil is willing.
Me: Maybe not for long.
Peach: By the way, everyone threw up when Ash and Gary kissed, right?
Me: Yeah.
Serena: And it's never stated that the floor was cleaned.
Guntz: Please don't tell me...
Palutena: They're dancing on top of their own vomit.
Midori: Ewww!
Serena: And nobody seemed to care!?
Midori: Ewwwwwwww!
Me: Let's just get on to the next part of the Homecoming saga.
Midori: Vomit and all...

Start Chapter 12:

Summary: Its the hoemcoman dans wat wil hapan! (Midori: It'll start to stink because of all the vomit on the floor. Serena: Followed by people slipping and falling. Guntz: That would be hilarious.)

Notes: Soret i didant updaet yesturday i had wrothers bloke. (Peach: Not an excuse.) Hears the secant partof the dans.

CHAP 12: HOENNCOUPON PRAT 2 THE DANES (Peach: How many great danes are there gonna be?)

Despit all the hoarble thins tha hapan Mekosa was stil exciet 4 dans. Bartalf gived the tikats 2 Ahs and than tehy wented 2 the dans. Mekosa new she had to ignar Aney and her gurfren butit wuz so rung! Gurls shodlnt dat otter gurls! (Guntz: Emil, you know what to do. Emil: Okay... *reluctantly plays violin* Shulk: Are you sure you should be forcing him to play every time Sara whines?) Mekosa wishad that her formor bast frend wasant a lesban so that they cold stil be frends but it wuz ron that Aney wuz goen arond and lyen saying that Mikosa wuz a lesban wen she wuz strate.

Mekasa cold nut stop thanken abot how hoarble it wuz that Aney brot anutter gurl to the dans. alos her leest favrit teechur wuz tha shrapnelone abd he wuz on of the gayz 2 and brote his bofrned. The hole dans wuz goen to be rune (Midori: It already is because everyone threw up! Serena: And Mikasa/Sara's constant whining is making it worse. Guntz: Sara's whining some more!? Emil! Emil: Okay... *plays violin reluctantly*) and she coldnt evan thank abot tryen to maek Rinnur jelos. Ther wuz noting that cold fex this... or so she thot.

Sudanly, the curtans on the staeg nerby polled apert and it wuz 1 DESTRUCTION!!! (Guntz: One Destruction? That sounds like a cool band. Shulk: What is One Direction doing here?) Tehy stated playen "u dont no ur botanical" (Serena: It's official. One Destruction does parodies of One Direction songs. For example, You Don't Know Your Botanical is You Don't Know Your Beautiful.) an than they palyed (Midori: Do you even know what a comma is!? Guntz: You're expecting way too much from her.) "beast sun elcor" (Serena: A parody of Best Song Ever.) and then they plated "lick will urine". (Me: *laughs* Serena: Is that supposed to be a parody of Little White Lies?! Midori: How did the word "Lies" become "Urine"!? Peach: Lick Will Urine!? Shulk: A song about licking piss!? Emil: Gross! Guntz: It's official. I love One Destruction now. Mario: One Destruction sounds better than One Direction, that's for sure. Luigi: They make fun of 1D.) Mekasa wondared how sum famos musekans cum at her hi scule buttthan the prinsipol walkad up 2 her.

"I feeled bad taht I had 2 fiar Mr Texas and hiar Mr Katcham and let the gayz cum 2 hoamcomen. so ihad 2 do sumthin too mak it up to my Christen stoodants" (Peach: He only cares about the Christen students?! What about the others!? Me: We're in Sara's world. Serena: If you're not a Christen, then you shouldn't be in the story at all unless you're evil.) Prinsipol Smeth sed "soi called On Distraction and pade them 2 cum to this dans" (Me: The power of Author Appeal, people!)

"thats coal" Mekasa sed. It stel wuldov ben niser if Ass Ketchup (Serena: Ass Ketchup!? Guntz: Best mispelling of Ash ever. Palutena: I wonder what Ass Ketchup tastes like. Emil: You don't wanna know.) wuzant her teecher and gay pepole wernt at the dans, (Guntz: Emil, Mikasa/Sara's whining again! Emil: I think we've taken this World's Smallest Violin thing too far! Guntz: VIOLIN! Emil: *plays violin, cries* Serena: Here's an idea, Sara. Get over it!) but she knew that wuz Barka Abomas falt not Principle Smuts. (Guntz: You can't have a Sara-verse fic without Obama blaming. Midori: Who blames the country's leader for their first world problems!?)

Mekasa new she had 2 focas on maken Renur jelos insted of on teh gayz at the dans. (Peach: Yeah, you're basically using Bertolt to get to Reiner. Good luck never getting a date in the future if Bertolt finds out.) It wuz impotent 2 dat the kartorbak (Peach: You're only getting your high school life facts from TV shows, and it's not even true! Shulk: Sara's a complete idiot.) so that evryon new she wuzant a lesban an Aney wuz a lion. (Mario: She is Annie Leonhardt after all.) She clened so titely to Bristols arm that she mite of ben cutan of sircolashun. (Mario: You're clinging on to Bertolt's arm to the point of cutting off circulation? Me: If you have to cling on to someone of the opposite sex, to the point of cutting off circulation, I might add, you're definitely not straight.)

It wuzant lung b4 Radar walled up.

"hey Burter cani dans weth Mekosa" he sad.

"ok" sed Birtolf. (Serena: Seriously? Just like that? Peach: Bertolt doesn't care that Mikasa basically used her so Reiner can dance with her? Midori: That is not how romance works!)

Mekasa fenally gotted wat she wantad! (Midori: You always get what you want.) Rynur led her 2 the centaur of the flor. (Luigi: Apparently, there's a centaur on the middle of the dance floor.) On Draculashan stated playan "litol thins" and tha spitlite shinned on Mekasa an Rynar dansen. (All: MARY SUE!!! Midori: Seriously, how big is Sara's ego that she has to act like she's so important!?) Mekasa loked ovar at Aney, who was clergy vary jelos that Mekosa had a bofrend so she wold goto hevan insted of been a lesban. Alos she wantad 2 rap Mekasa butt she coldnt do that wile Mekasa was dansen with anguy. Mekasa alos loked at the gurl Rynur came 2 dans with and she loked jelos 2. It wuz grate! Everythin wuz fix! (Serena, Midori and Peach. Homewrecking bitch. Mario: Peach, such language! Peach: Mikasa/Sara just stole Reiner away from his date just to spite her and she also spited Annie too! Serena: That's a sign of an evil bitch.)

End Chapter 12

Palutena: And again, nobody noticed nor cared that everyone is dancing on vomit.
Shulk: Oh yeah.
Midori: So the dance was covered in vomit the whole time.
Serena: Gross.
Emil: I don't wanna do the violin thing anymore!
Guntz: Emil, Sara's going to complain in future chapters. We need ways to show that we don't give a fuck!
Shulk: That bit will get old, if it hasn't already.
Mario: Just stop torturing Emil already.
Guntz: Fine. Besides, I did think it was going to get old.
Emil: No, I'm sorry Guntz. I shouldn't have complained about it.
Me: You only complained about it once.
Emil: Still, we did kinda overdo it.
Palutena: Does that mean no more background music every time Sara complains.
Midori: Please say yes.
Emil: Occasionally.
Peach: Good.
Palutena: The good news is, we're only 75% done with the fic!
Luigi: The fic is that short? I feel like we've just finished Supper Smash Bros.
Shulk: I know.
Serena: Well, thank Arceus it's almost over.
Guntz: It feels like weeks ago since we first started this fic.
Me: And trust me, the final chapter is gonna be epic.
Guntz: And by epic, you mean shitty?
Me: You'll see. You'll all see!
Emil: I'm scared.
Luigi: Me too, Emil. Me too.
Me: So stick around for the penultimate episode of Let's Read Atak On Titen Hi Scule!
Guntz: Next time on Dragon Ball Shit.
Hey guys it's me Double Dee welcome back to more Let's Read Atak On Titen Hi Scule! In this episode, the World's Smallest Violin gets played a lot, everyone throws up at the dance and nobody cares as they dance on the vomit, and we meet One Destruction and listen to their hits "You Don't Know You're Botanical", "Beast Sun Elcor" and "Lick Will Urine"

Joining us as a guest is Super Mario's Mario, Luigi and Peach, in reference to the Mario anime movie.

I just have to say, read at your own risk.

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Characters belong to their respective owners (and that's how it should be)
© 2015 - 2024 Double-Dee-Edd-Boy
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kuteasabutton56's avatar
Hey, I really want to do a collab with you! I run Weird SSB Fanfics, and I adore your readings! Have a nice day!